CALL! 2021

MetaBow™ Call for scores

1/10/2021 - 31/1/2022


This call for scores emerges from a collaboration between violinist Roberto Alonso Trillo, the MetaBow™ Team, Hong Kong Baptist University, and Vertixe Sonora to commission 4 new “works” for violin and electronics and/or mixed media that integrate the MetaBow™, a new bow interface housing a 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer, a nano microphone, a microcontroller, and a port for a force-sensing resistor. The commissioners should use the MetaBow’s Toolkit, a Max patch designed to facilitate data mapping and sound-to-score alignment. While the MetaBow embeds a custom-designed IMU board called the MetaBoard, the applicants may use an out-of-the box SensorTile by ST Microelectronics for testing. The call for scores will be structured in two different phases, a proposal submission, and a commissioning phase.


The candidates have to present a detailed proposal of the work/performance ecosystem/mixed-media project, including the following documents:

i. a detailed explanation of their proposal (e.g. approaches to mapping, sound modification, etc.), its nature, a full technical rider, and all the relevant ancillary contents

ii. a full CV including links to their previous work on the field and/or a compositional portfolio

These documents will be evaluated by the following panel and the 4 chosen winners will be contacted by December 30th, 2021. The documentation, indicating “Call for Scores Submission” in the subject area, should be delivered to the following email: The evaluation process will be anonymous and all the digital copies of the submitted material will be deleted once it finishes.


Evaluation Panel
Dr. Johnny Poon (HKBU)
Dr. Roberto Alonso Trillo (HKBU)
Dr. Camilo Mendez (HKBU)
Pablo Coello (Vertixe Sonora)
Ramón Souto (Vertixe Sonora
Dr. Tychonas Michailidis (BCU)



The four selected composers will be contacted and a commission contract will be signed between the parties. Each composer will be paid 500 EUR for the commission, 50% on the date the contract is signed and the remainder upon the delivery of the final version of the work/performance ecosystem/mixed-media project. The premiere and recording of all the selected works will take place during the spring and summer semesters of 2022 both at the Hong Kong Baptist University and in Spain, as part of Vertixe’s Sonoras annual programming.

APPLY: robertoalonso[at]


Open to international applicants regardless of their location or nationality

The piece/performance ecosystem/mixed-media project must be composed for this specific call for scores for violin and flexible electronic means using the MetaBow™ and its Toolkit.

No public performance of the piece may have taken place before its world premiere by the Commissioner

Proposal Deadline (Phase I)

December 30th, 2021

Submission Deadline (Phase II)

March 30th, 2022


The anonymous evaluation will be the outcome of a shared decision made between the panel members ant it will be based on a consideration of both the musical interest and novelty of the proposals.

Submission Requirements

A musical composition of any given length

Score (if necessary) / Max patch / mixed-media contents